Why I Do the Work I Do

Why I Do the Work I Do

A common question I’m asked is “how did you get into this work”? There are many intersecting layers of my identity and my past that weave into my story. The short answer- it’s all about my higher purpose. Up until my mid 20’s, I was the quiet,...
Four Easy Steps for Challenging Assumptions

Four Easy Steps for Challenging Assumptions

Assumptions are similar to beliefs; both are like eyeglasses through which you view the world. Every healthcare leader knows that two eyewitnesses will report differently on the same event. The difference in what they perceived as true is based in personal...
What You Have to Give Up to Step up as a Leader

What You Have to Give Up to Step up as a Leader

My client is the Executive Director of a medical clinic for low-income patients in her community. She is worried because the funding for her patient population is at risk. She knows it’s important to get out and be the “face” of the clinic in the community. To figure...