A Decision-Making Process for Resilient Physician Leaders
Early in the COVID crisis, I sensed my clients needed a new way to strengthen their leadership impact. Women leaders were tired, stressed, and needed a different kind of support to be effective and maintain their resilience. In my heart I believed women needed more...
How To Move On From 2020 Toward Creativity And Fulfillment In 2021
As we turn the last pages on 2020 we need to learn how to move on and reflect before we enter 2021. The year 2020 brought challenges not seen in an at least a generation. With these unexpected demands also came opportunity for much growth, as we adapted and came...
How a newly promoted leader is navigating the COVID crisis with resilience
Melissa had just received the biggest promotion of her long career at a teaching hospital when she hired me as her coach to help her “be her best” leader She was motivated and showed resilience to invest in herself because of the impact she would have at this higher...
How Women Surgeons Boosted Engagement and Expanded Membership with the Resilient Leader Way Approach to the Strategic Planning Process
How the Association of Women Surgeons Boosted Engagement and Expanded Membership with the Resilient Leader Way Approach to the Strategic Planning Process Background Dr. Sareh Parangi, President of the Association of Women Surgeons, was concerned that the organization...
Organizational Culture: Move the Needle On Effective Change
I want to pass along an interesting article related to organizational culture from the American Hospital Association’s Physician Alliance. The article, 4 Keys to Effective Change, features highlights from a Physician Leadership Circle discussion on common health care...
3 Cups of Tea: One Healthcare Leader’s Simple Recipe for Better Business Relationships
When was the last time you were advised to slow down? More likely, you feel pressured to move quickly to your next task or project. It caught my attention at a recent conference when I heard Julie Miller-Phipps, President of Kaiser Permanente Southern California,...
Why I Do the Work I Do
A common question I'm asked is "how did you get into this work”? There are many intersecting layers of my identity and my past that weave into my story. The short answer- it’s all about my higher purpose. Up until my mid 20's, I was the quiet, well-behaved, good girl....
From Feedback to Feedforward: 3 Tips for Better Mentoring
Many leaders are taught that a mentor’s role is to give their mentee feedback and advice. Feedback has a place, but there are times when feedforward is the more impactful approach. Below are important mentoring tips that explain when to use feedback and feedforward....
Four Easy Steps for Challenging Assumptions
Assumptions are similar to beliefs; both are like eyeglasses through which you view the world. Every healthcare leader knows that two eyewitnesses will report differently on the same event. The difference in what they perceived as true is based in personal...
7 Reasons Healthcare Leaders are Passionate About Coaching Skills
It is not surprising that coaching skills for leaders can be found in most professional development programs today. Healthcare leaders are passionate about coaching and committed to good patient outcomes. This requires top performance and engagement from staff....
What You Have to Give Up to Step up as a Leader
My client is the Executive Director of a medical clinic for low-income patients in her community. She is worried because the funding for her patient population is at risk. She knows it’s important to get out and be the “face” of the clinic in the community. To figure...
What Every Woman Ought to Know About Success
Money, status, power – these are traditional measures of success in American culture. If you don't have or are not striving after status symbols, you are not seen as successful. This creates a challenge for women, who typically have an expanded view of what successful...
“When women lead in healthcare,
everyone wins!”
- Deborah Munhoz