4 Small Shifts That Will Change Your Life
A physician reported at the end of our second coaching session that, “The most important thing I am learning is to focus on what I want, instead of what I don’t want.” My client’s words capture the mindset of most physicians when it comes to positive change. The...
How Physician Leaders Lean Into Not Knowing The Answer
Physician leader Dr. Teresa Amato, Chairperson at Northwell Health, was speaking to an audience of over 200 female Emergency Medicine physicians. Her motive was to encourage more women to become physician leaders. Too frequently she had been told, “ I don't have time...
This Simple Practice is Guaranteed to Make You Happier
Last week, I read a blog post written by a women physician leader. It caught my attention because she was talking about the benefits of being a physician-the ability to save a life, pay her mortgage and have respect in the community. That's not what most physicians...
How Will You Measure Your Life?
A few weeks ago I was flying home from a conference for women physicians where I had been a speaker. I had more than met my goals, but I was still doubting myself. Why? I was feeling self-doubt as a physician, and comparing my workshop to the polished delivery of the...
Leadership Branding: How to Be Heard and Get Results with Authenticity
Women have something unique and powerful to contribute to healthcare leadership, but it can be tricky to be heard and get results in today's leadership culture without losing yourself. This is why it is important to understand leadership branding. Because there's this...
Women Leaders Are Key to Health Care Reform
Our healthcare system in the US is at a crossroads. As a physician, you know firsthand about the opportunities, and the serious challenges related to care access, quality, cost containment and infrastructure. My mission is that you know how important you are to the...
3 Dynamic Keys to Guide Your Next Career Move
A growing number of women physicians are pursuing their next career move to a leadership role. Although traditional career strategies can work well for men seeking new opportunities, those strategies often do not fit the situations and needs facing professional women...
How to Move Past Career Decisions Indecision
Do you have career decision analysis paralysis? Making important career decisions can be tough for physicians. The stakes are high and the consequences uncertain, making it easy to put off important choices. If you tell yourself you do your best work facing a...
Secret to Good Career Decision Making
Satisfaction in your career is more than a matter of luck. The daily decisions you make about your career will either elevate you or cause your dreams to sink. How do you make good decisions when there is not a road map to career success? The secret to good career...
3 Simple Phrases to Gain More Influence
Think of a specific situation where you are struggling to influence a resistant colleague, boss or spouse. You’ve used reason, facts, appealed to their emotions and still can’t convince them. Frustrating, right? Successful women physicians use these key phrases to...
5 Common Obstacles for Women of Influence
Warning: You May Be Causing People to Resist Your Ideas As a physician, you need to have influence to solve the challenges your patients and organizations face. Unfortunately, right now you may be unknowingly causing people to resist you and your message. There are...
How Physician Leaders Get More Dialogue in Team Meetings
As a physician leader, you have probably been in a team meeting where because of your role others did not speak up. The unfortunate side effect is you won't get all the best ideas on the table. What can you do to invite and engage leadership dialogue? Dr. Jane, a...
“When women lead in healthcare,
everyone wins!”
- Deborah Munhoz