Rapidly Planning Effective Meetings

Rapidly Planning Effective Meetings

Physician leaders often say that one of the biggest differences between practicing medicine and leading a practice, department, or an organization is the way time is spent. Collaboration and teamwork require lots of effective meetings. A poorly planned meeting is...

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Effective Leaders Focus on Values

Effective Leaders Focus on Values

Shift happens. Priorities change, funding is reallocated, and the project you’re leading is cancelled. Sometimes a change is so challenging, it feels like an obstacle to your career trajectory. People get confused and don’t know what to expect when priorities are...

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Why Women Want Female Physician Networks

Why Women Want Female Physician Networks

Women in medicine sometimes ask, “Why do I need a women physician group? I see myself as a physician, not a female physician.” Nevertheless, women in the healthcare industry are seeking and creating local groups and national female physician networks. Women may engage...

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How to Develop Your Leadership Brand

How to Develop Your Leadership Brand

I often hear the lament, “How do I get seen?" in my work with women physicians. You need a leadership brand to land appropriate projects and grow your career in meaningful ways. A brand speaks to more than your skills and expertise. And a brand is a promise about what...

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Myths That Inhibit Women Leaders

Myths That Inhibit Women Leaders

Women physicians routinely ask me, “What will happen if I show up as myself?” They don’t want to be seen as too outspoken, too quiet, too (fill in the blank), out of fear of being passed over for interesting assignments or roles in leadership. As women leaders, we...

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The Better Doctor Is Not The Issue

The Better Doctor Is Not The Issue

Who is the better doctor? A man or a woman? Reporting that women are more effective in any male-dominated industry is bound to create a stir. An important conversation sparked from The Atlantic’s headline, “Women Physicians May Be Better Than Male Physicians.” The...

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Simple Method to Help Physicians Build Resilience

Simple Method to Help Physicians Build Resilience

Are you having trouble letting go of how you think things are supposed to be? My physician leader clients and I currently have experienced that it has been particularly hard to accept reality. How do we build resilience? I love the Thanksgiving holiday. In my family,...

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When women lead in healthcare,
everyone wins!

- Deborah Munhoz

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Camas, WA 98607