Centered Leadership: Resilient Leaders Thrive At Work
How do you thrive at work so you can inspire and mobilize others, even in demanding circumstances? Centered Leadership is what equips leaders for leading change. As the name implies, “It’s about having a well of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual strength...
Looking For Signs Of Support In All The Wrong Places
This has been a week of hard work punctuated with emotional highs and lows. Now that I have jumped through most of the required hoops and am thinking more clearly, I realize I was looking for signs of support in the wrong places. In fact, when I wasn’t looking for...
What Women Physicians Can Learn About Power from White House Women
Women physicians struggle to have their perspective heard in meetings. The female staffers in the White House shared their solution to that problem last week in The Washington Post. The environment in the White House sounds so much like life for women in medicine!...
Find Your Heart and You Will Find Your Way
Dr. Lara has been in private practice for over 12 years. She loves her patients and gets along OK with her partners, but she was longing for something more. She has a vision, something that excites her. She sees a way to prevent common challenges her patients come to her with every day.
Saying No When You Already Said Yes
Saying No Is Hard. On a short family vacation, I had some time to relax, think and get clear about my priorities. I realized I was spread too thin and had noticed some projects I had agreed to really didn’t fit into my top priorities. When I said “yes”, I was excited...
Turning A To Do List In To Your Success List
Overbooked, and overextended, it feels like there is more and more we “simply must get done”! When everything starts to feel equally important in your busy day, how do you decide the order of your to do list? Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of...
Magic Doesn’t Happen in the Middle
Like you, I have a lot of roles and relationships I care a lot about; family, work, mentor, community member- oh, don’t forget myself! All too often I am focusing on what I need to do next in all these domains. My anxiety levels go up and my self-confidence goes down....
Being Agile is Authentic
So much is changing in healthcare, and often the best choices are unclear. The change in medicine is not where my clients seem to struggle. Managing relationships, where they are called to constantly morph to adapt to new situations, is more challenging. Managing...
Prescription for Effective Change
Why do most change efforts fail or only partially achieve their full potential? The primary reason is not paying adequate attention to the reality that all change is an emotional event. Moving away from a current state (known) to a desired future state (unknown) can...
Making Decisions with Emotions
Emotions can give you an advantage in decision making if you make proper use of them. We're constantly faced with too much information to process consciously. If your brain comes across something it appraises as a "red flag," you'll be sent a message in the form of...
Emotions are Your Guide to Success
We start our exploration of EQ (emotional intelligence) with self-awareness. This ability sets the foundation to become proficient in the other three domains of EQ! Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself as others see you. It is the ability to make an accurate...
Women Have an EQ Advantage
Academic or cognitive intelligence alone is no longer enough to be successful in medicine. EQ (emotional intelligence) is required of all physicians and will lead you to healthy relationships and resilience with the trials of your life and career in medicine. A 2006...
“When women lead in healthcare,
everyone wins!”
- Deborah Munhoz