leadership training
leadership training

Leadership Assessment
& Coaching

Leadership Assessment & Coaching

Leadership coaching is a confidential, individually tailored engagement designed to accelerate leadership development. The leader takes action to achieve what is truly important as they get clear about goals, identify blind spots, and become more accountable for new levels of achievement.

The top reasons coaches are engaged are to:

  • develop high potentials
  • facilitate transition or onboarding
  • act as a sounding board on organizational dynamics
  • enhance the interactions of a team
  • address derailing behavior
dr ellen piernot
“My coaching experience was very rewarding—the most insightful parts for me include the 360 interviews as well as the 1.5 day on-sight to outline my leadership plan and vision.”

Leadership Training for Individuals & Teams

Leadership Training for Individuals & Teams

Leadership training positively effects leadership growth and improves performance as participants:

  • Gain self awareness and insight
  • Enhance strengths and modify behaviors that may derail progress
  • Address leadership challenges

Leadership training is timely when you’re having difficulty responding to challenges, or if you’re simply interested in improving leadership skills for new or expanded responsibility. Leadership training is effective to close the gap between the demands of leadership and the traditional medical paradigm.

Succession Development

Succession Development

Build a sustainable competitive advantage with the right leader, when and where you need them, prepared to enhance the future continuity and performance of the organization.

Succession development is a proactive, not a reactive process leadership responsibility.

Take advantage of succession development between the time of determining a successor and the acceptance of the position to identify and address development needs and receive timely feedback.

Customized Training & Coaching

Customized Training & Coaching

Learner Focused

Customized leadership training is built to meet specific learning needs and content and exercises are tailored to bridge the gap from the current state to the desired state where key learning outcomes can be measured.

Builds Cohesive Teams

A customized course delivered to team members at the same time, allows participants to learn key concepts and applications as a team. Participants also gain from shared perspectives and group brainstorming.


Time, Content, Budget, Audience, Practical Tools, Location; are variables you can decide to ensure the optimum training course is developed.

Customized leadership training is most effective when learners understand the concepts being presented and can link the material back to their own situation within the the context of organizational issues and culture.

Personal, Professional & Board Retreats

Personal, Professional & Board Retreats

Create an off site opportunity to re-fresh or unleash:

  • Creative and innovative perspectives
  • Enhance synergy in the management team
  • Build trust, mutual respect and commitment
  • Eliminate blockages – improve focus and effectiveness
  • Align short terms goals and resources with strategic objectives

A retreat is an effective strategy when it is timely to step back from daily activities for new perspective, planning or team building.

Plan a retreat when:

  • You need perspective to keep your organization moving forward
  • Your team, department or organization are at a crossroads. Perhaps your company has grown, you are about to launch
  • New product or service, or you’re facing ever increased competition in an increasingly tougher market
  • You want to re-invigorate your team vision and commitment to fulfill the organization’s full potential
  • Support is needed to engender productive relationships between team members

When women lead in healthcare,
everyone wins!

- Deborah Munhoz

I’d Love to Hear from You

3242 NE 3rd Avenue #1002
Camas, WA 98607